Three Actions to Win 2020 Now

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Three Actions to Win 2020 Now

Back in June, Randy shared a Monday Morning Pearl about Your Best Year Ever + 20%. It was a checkpoint to see how well your 2019 was going… and possibly a measure of how good the 2019 sales kickoff was? How did you and your team fare? Whether you are ready for some tips to repeat last year’s success or are ready for 2020 to be your Best Year Ever, the team at Span the Chasm has you covered!

In this week’s Monday Morning Pearl, Ronnell and Randy reiterate the importance of the sales kickoff. More so, they discuss how critical it is to prepare NOW so that the kickoff goes well in January. View the MMP to get the three actions that target major areas Ronnell and Randy feel need the most attention.

P.S. Get your SKO ready with Span the Chasm’s detailed checklist to PLAN, DEVELOP, DELIVER, ADOPT, and MEASURE your 2020 SKO:

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