Pipeline Challenge: Old School vs New School

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Pipeline Challenge Old School Vs New School

Our sales gurus, Randy Riemersma and Ken Lundin, are challenging themselves to the ultimate face-off!

What lead building methods creates better pipeline?

Old School or New School?

They each have 6 months to give their chosen method their best shot and will be updating us on their progress along the way. You can learn all the details in this week’s MUST WATCH video!

Sales professionals! Watch NOW to learn:

  • What method did each guru choose
  • What actions are part of Old School
  • What tools and methods are used for New School
  • How this challenge will improve YOUR pipeline tactics
  • The ONE thing necessary for either method to succeed

Share this educational journey with your networks and follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated. We look forward to sharing our lessons learned. There’s much more to come!

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