You live in a world of data. CRM, Marketing and sales metrics, process improvement data, economic and competitive data all drive a business to success. You need this data to inform the important decisions in your business.
But what if I told you that you were missing the most important data for success prediction? Data around your people.
Imagine what your world would be like if you could ‘see’ into the capabilities, desires and behavioral goals of every, single person in your organization? What would that reveal?
I suspect it would reveal the following:
- Visibility: You would quickly know who is in the right seat and who isn’t. You would instantly understand the confounding behaviors preventing people’s success. You would be more effective at getting the right people on the bus and the wrong people off of the bus.
- Action: With crystal clear insight into the individuals and clarity around the needed attributes and skills, your path to the future you are striving for becomes accessible and attainable. Lit up with a megawatt spotlight, not the weak candle of today.
- Culture: For so many organizations, culture is hype, a bunch of posters and a foosball table. Strong on the surface, weak where it counts. Your company has a true culture, known or unknown, that affects EVERYTHING. It affects how your people sell, how you market, even the code your developers write. Your sales team’s culture is no different. What they value (their culture) is what your clients and prospects expect your business to deliver, their microbrand.
Time to put on the glasses and remove the blindfold.
How can you get this visibility? At Span the Chasm, we have built an entire Talent Management service offering around this to deliver actionable insights for you. Removing uncertainty, fear, and doubt, PLUS accelerating success.
What are indications you might need to go down this path? Symptoms or goals like:
- Consistently high turnover in your sales force
- You’ve just lost your VP of Sales
- Changes aren’t taking shape at the front lines
- The client experience just doesn’t ‘feel’ right
- You’re preparing for growth either to buy or sell
Imagine: Actionable Data on your entire team, by role, driving curated Information so that your decisions – personnel, strategy, culture – are fueled by Knowledge. To me, that sounds like real Power!
How would THAT feel?
So, why Span the Chasm? Simply put, we are adoption-focused. Getting your team working with field-tested, actionable data only works when you have engagement. We deliver all three.
“After our sales manager abruptly resigned in Q3, Steve quickly stepped in and helped our sales team keep their pipeline on track. We closed out our year strong and Steve helped us find an exceptional new sales manager.” – David Minnix – CEO CineMassive
Unlock the power of people for better results – learn more about Talent Management here!