When managing sales talent, the top three challenges a sales leader is faced with are:
Recruiting the Right Candidate
Assimilating their Microbrand into Your Macrobrand
Retaining Well-Developed Talent
Process Proven – Read Our Case Study
CineMassive, a premier producer of high-performing video wall systems, lost their VP of Sales unexpectedly midway through the year, putting their pipeline and growth plans at risk. With the bulk of their sales happening in Q3 and Q4, there was an immediate need to stabilize and grow their pipeline. In addition, CineMassive had a large product launch planned for the following year. Their sales teams needed to be in the field and producing immediately.
Steve Keck at Span the Chasm was chosen by CineMassive due to our experience transforming front line sales teams. Span the Chasm’s Culture & Talent Management service brought a clear understanding about the current capabilities of the sales team, and designed a matrix for benchmarking all future talent.
Span the Chasm’s comprehensive Culture & Talent Management service uncovered several challenges:
- Not all members of the sales team were qualified to manage the complex sales process
- They lacked a cohesive sales process in place to support the team
- Half of the sales team was below 50% YTD of their sales goal well into Q3
- A hiring process was missing to identify the right candidates
- An undefined culture made it difficult to sell candidates into the organization
Span the Chasm’s Culture & Talent Management service uses assessments that have a great impact in these areas:
- Optimize candidate and role alignment while hiring
- Maximize the onboarding experience for each new hire
- Set the framework for great sales coaching
- Train, develop and promote high-quality leaders
Steve Keck, our President, is passionate about assessments.
Watch as he discusses the science of culture & talent management and how
“mastering your talent management is the el dorado of consistent delivery to the marketplace”.
To most effectively harness your team’s potential,
we’ve developed a talent management service using field-tested assessments.
Here’s how we can help.
We first send an assessment link to our client. Working with the Leadership team, we coordinate engagement with the sales force, ensuring they complete their assessments in a reasonable amount of time.
Through group workshops and 1:1 coaching with individual managers, we work with leadership to guide our clients through the fundamental capabilities.
We deliver a comprehensive analysis to the inbox of every stakeholder, showing each member’s alignment to their current and potential future roles.
We “define culture” with executive leadership. We then give action items from your macrobrand/microbrand analysis and its impact on the organization through a half-day WORKshop. Finally, we share strategic consulting with leadership to drive change and adaption downstream.
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How To Create Confidence and Velocity In the Talent Management Process Using Assessments.