Tag: sales success
Are You Managing the Sales Process Backwards?
While TRUE, it’s almost always WRONG. “It’s the sales process. Period. Follow the process and you’ll have success!” Throughout time, every sales leader has uttered these words to every sales rep. Are these sales leaders starting at the wrong end?
The Secret Deal Killer in Sales
Save your tears for Sunday night and the Hallmark Channel. They’re no good here. I killed your deal. Deal with it. It’s true. Simple truth. And you never saw it coming. Who am I? I don’t show up on an organizational chart. I never hit payroll. I rarely pay attention to corporate dress codes. …
Does Your Sales Framework have ‘Weakest Link Syndrome’?
Selling isn’t supposed to be this hard. Driving sustainable sales growth should be easier. You have a great product. Marketing and Product are supportive. Yet the results are sporadic, often more random than predictable.