Tag: Accountability

  • Hey Sales Leader: Use LENSES, not LABELS

    Hey Sales Leader: Use LENSES, not LABELS

    You’ve heard them.  You may have used them.  Phrases like:

    Jimmy can’t prospect.

    Janey can’t close well.

    Timmy doesn’t align value to role.

    Sally can’t get to the Economic Buyer.

    Billy can’t build and test Champions.

    You know the formula:

    (name) (can’t/won’t/doesn’t) (activity desired)

    These are all labels that we stick onto our peeps.  Here is why you MUST change your approach: After a while, in your mind, people ‘become’ that label.  It is also the lazy-leader’s way and takes no skill. Literally no skill. Sorry if that felt like I poked you in the eye.  (I’m not really but…)

    Our people can feel these labels being stuck on them.  It hurts their morale. It crushes their confidence. It kills their production.  

    Here’s a thought: Instead of using these LABELS to put them into categories, what if, instead, we used LENSES to better see them.  An opportunity to assess instead of condemn.

    If we take the LENSES mindset, I think there are 5 steps that can transform how you engage with the underperforming parts of your peeps:

    Awareness:  The first step is to know what the skills and competencies for the role are.  Many times we are holding up a ruler to someone that is not relevant or as relevant as we make it.  What REALLY matters for success in this role? It is usually less things than we think.

    Assessment: Instead of having an opinion, we need to dig in and actually assess the situation.  Listen to calls, go out on appointments, review notes, administer an assessment. A thousand ideas per role, per attribute.  But it needs to be done. As objectively as possible as subjective actions tend to feed our biases.

    Action: Once we have the actual gap mapped, we need to build an action plan that is going to develop that skill or competency.  It should have a lifecycle. It should have check points. It should follow a framework (I personally always use the SMART model.  Google it or call me.) The secret sauce on this piece is for them to own this action plan. It is their development. Build the plan with them and be part of the process but they need to own it.

    Adoption: Moving from being incompetent to basic skills to mastery to a habit takes time.  It takes commitment. It takes pushing through the stumbles. The plan you build should be in place for a period of time LONGER than required to learn the skill.  If we don’t get it to a habit, it will likely snap all the way back (scar tissue speaking here…).  

    Accountability: As humans, we suck at personal accountability.  Think New Year’s Resolutions. We don’t have the staying power.  It’s just true for most of us. Help the person build an accountability ecosystem.  When we are accountable, we increase our odds of success radically. (96% of decamillionaires have accountability partners)  Help them build 2 – 4 ways to get frequent accountability. You, a buddy, a coach, a mentor, etc. Emails, a quick call, a recurring weekly reminder.  It isn’t hard.

    At the bottom of many skills gaps lies a layer of fear and potential disbelief.  Often times execution errors are ties to something deeper.

    You can’t see past a label.  They become the label. With a lens mindset, we can be diagnostic and developmental.  Sure, it’s harder but that is simply the price of progress and growth.  

    Being good is easy.  Being great is hard.  

    When we label people, we are demonstrating a Closed Mindset.  When we use lenses, we are demonstrating a Growth Mindset. A great read on this topic is Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck.  I highly recommend it.

    Imagine how it will feel when you move from condemning team members and, instead, build an environment of development on a 1:1 basis.  How would it feel to have the production of each of your team members improve by 10 – 20% because of this process? I bet it’s gonna feeling friggin’ awesome. 

    Love to chat with you to see if this approach makes sense for you and your team and how we could activate this together.


  • Recession-Proof Your Sales Team NOW!

    Recession-Proof Your Sales Team NOW!

    Imagine how it will feel when your sales team is left behind by the market because you didn’t make the necessary adjustments to not just SURVIVE but THRIVE in and thru the recession.  It is not gonna feel good, my friend!

    The question isn’t ‘if’ but ‘when’ a recession is going to hit.  Some argue it is already happening. Others claim the economic macros are strong and we are years away. 

    What can you do to prepare for it?

    Having lived and sold through many recessions, I know there are specific activities that separate the ELITE from the rest.

    Three things you can do now to begin the process:

    Back to the basics:  Now is the time to make sure you and your team are excelling at the fundamentals.  Running your sales process with precision and not taking shortcuts. Setting aside time for pipeline building activities.  However your sales process was designed to run, run it. With precision, confidence and velocity. Now is the best time to focus on pipeline, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

    Get to the Economic Buyer:  I have always been a big fan of getting to the EB.  Now, with everything being more tightly scrutinized and signature levels changing, you MUST meet with your EB, or the NEW EB.  If you have been lazy with your EB language in the past, now is the time to make sure your language aligns with their goals. 

    Tighten up value alignment:  When selling is easy, our value alignment often gets a bit lax.  Our value alignment must be in lock-step with our prospect’s goals and vision.  We must be very clear on how we are going to take them from their Current State to the glorious Future State they seek.  It is CRITICAL that you re-make the Current State unacceptable as your prospect is going to be looking for reasons not to act.

    These are just a few of the many things you can do in preparation of the economy changing.  To get them – and more!, do not miss our Monday Morning Pearl series (https://spanthechasm.com/monday-morning-pearls/) on this topic that Ken and I are leading.

    Also, our podcast, Uncommon Sales Success (https://spanthechasm.com/podcast/), is hosting an expert-voice series on Recession Proofing where we are pulling some of the best from several areas like investment banking, HR, executive advisors, and professional trainers.  We are pulling their expertise together for your benefit.

    Don’t miss either of these.  They are rich with actionable content for you to not just survive but to thrive during an economic downturn. 

    Remember: Market share that is captured during an economic downturn stays with you and has a massive impact on profitability up to a decade later. 

    Simple question that you need to answer: Are you and your team going to be in a position to ride the tide of change or be left behind by it?

    Remember, the best time to buy hurricane insurance is before the storm is buffeting the shores!  I doubt you want to pay those premiums!


  • 5 Clear Steps for the Ideal Sales Kick Off in 2020

    5 Clear Steps for the Ideal Sales Kick Off in 2020

    What?  You haven’t started thinking about Sales Kickoff 2020 yet?  

    Time is ticking, my friend!  

    You know you’re gonna have it.  You can either half-@$$ it or make it great.  The choice is yours. So are the outcomes that you will get!

    What does an Ideal Sales Kick Off look like?  It has these components:

    • It has a clear mission, with goals and deliverables, in place.  
    • The content educates and inspires the sales teams.
    • It is a complete plan that is developed thoroughly and delivered with excellence.
    • It has clear, measurable objectives in place to determine success.
    • Sales and all relevant teams will leave inspired for 2020 and the potential it holds.

    However, as we talk to sales leaders about their approach to SKO in 2020, here are phrases we frequently hear:

    • ‘The sales reps just need more product training.’  The problem with this is it doesn’t deliver the results desired or drive new behavior.  It results in educated but uninspired sales teams.  Ration educates. Emotion motivates. Get them inspired to new and courageous actions!
    • ‘We will refresh last year’s content and tune it for this year.’  The easy course of action, no doubt. However, this just leaves the sales team frustrated, hungry for more and resenting precious selling time out of the field.  And pissed at you. You certainly aren’t going to gain ‘discretionary effort’ with that plan!
    • ‘Once we get through SKO, we can get on with the year.’  This just results in a massive waste of time, energy and money with unclear goals and expectations.  Again, a frustrated and uninspired sales team.

    Any of these sound like you and your team?  

    If so, 5 clear steps you can take to ensure a fantastic Sales Kick Off in 2020 and drive the highest possible impact on sales and the new year:

    1. Start with engaging all of the key stakeholders for SKO to make sure the PLAN for SKO is in place.  Develop a clear theme for SKO that drives all activity and defines the goals.  Map the expected results. Build a plan that delivers.
    2. With the plan in place, step 2, DEVELOP, drives the agenda, definition, and development for the content and activities needed to successfully carry out the SKO mission.  This includes content type, presenters, activities and real-time assessment.  
    3. Step 3, DELIVER, is all about making sure the message is delivered to the team in a way that will enable, educate and inspire as they enter 2020.  
    4. To ensure impact, step 4, ADOPT, is focused on the 90 days after SKO to ensure that the new skills and behaviors are in place in the field.  Focused on re-enforcement, inspection, and review. Inspect what you Expect.
    5. 9 months out, step 5, MEASURE, is focused on the impact of SKO compared to the goal.  Did the investment drive the expected ROI? What lessons were learned as we approach SKO for next year?  What, if any, adjustments need to be made to improve and raise the bar?

    Sales Kickoff is right around the corner.  You and your team deserve a fantastic experience to ensure you reach your goals in 2020.  They are lofty goal.  Scary goals. They deserve a great SKO to inspire and propel the team into 2020.

    We are here to help.  Check out our content for SKO here: https://spanthechasm.com/sko/

    Make sure that you download our SKO checklist for a guide to the 5 phases of a successful SKO.

    To set up a call to chat, please click here.

    As always… #BeBrave

  • Five Phrases Every Sales Leader Must Use

    Five Phrases Every Sales Leader Must Use

    There are many familiar phrases sales leaders say to their teams.  You may be familiar with a few:

    • Close more deals!
    • Build pipeline!
    • Fill out CRM!
    • Prospect differently!
    • Nurture opportunities better!
    • Accelerate your deals!
    • Meet with the Economic Buyer!
    • Focus!  Or spread-out!

    They (we…) all have their (our…) favorites.  

    Maybe you do too.

    Let’s flip the script and use some new phrases that will do a lot more for your success than the frequently overused list above.  

    Now, for clarity, this is not for the faint of heart.  It takes some courage. If you have it, let’s dig in:

    Thank you: Your team works hard.  They try new things. What they do is often unappreciated.  Let them know that you see what they do and that you are grateful.

    I am sorry: We all make mistakes.  The problem? So few of us step up and are accountable for it.  Lead your team in humility. Say you are sorry for your mistakes.  And ask for forgiveness. Talk about relationship growth.

    I am proud of you: Your team stumbles a LOT.  And fail. And try new things.  Again. Let them know that you see and appreciate what they are doing.  Their failures. Their victories. Large and small. It’s worth a million bucks.  Literally the increased production over the lifetime of a rep could mean a million.

    I believe in you: Sales reps get punched in the face.  A LOT. It gets old. After a while, teeth and blood don’t taste so good. It is hard to constantly summon the courage and energy to press on.  You have the power, more than you imagine, to fuel and feed their courage. Do it!

    How can I help?: Stop yelling about what they aren’t doing.  Or what they are doing wrong. Lighten the load.  DO something to help them.  Something very specific to what they are trying to do right NOW.  Why do it right NOW? Because helping someone later sometimes never happens.

    Leadership Challenge:

    If you have the courage, for 1 month, keep a log of how many times you use each of these phrases and with which reps.  If you aren’t using these with your team, you are risking dis-engagement, loss of loyalty and potential employee flight.  Certainly you are undermining their performance.

    Hey, it’s your call.  Do you care enough to change?  Do YOU have the courage to use these 5 phrases to be the leader you always wanted to be?  Maybe model the leader you had when you were coming up through the ranks?

    I care about this enough that, for the first 5 sales leaders that reach out to me, I will help you with this and be your support and accountability for the month.  Seriously. I care THAT much. REACH OUT TO ME NOW!

    Truly, I mean it when I say – 

    Live to serve… serve to live!
