It’s hard to create a Sales Kickoff that:
Resonates… Isn’t the same repeat of last year… and launches 2020 with renewed energy.
Here’s Why It’s Hard
It’s that time again. Your sales kickoff event is a few months away and it’s time to plan.
It needs to be:
- Exciting
- Motivational
- Aligned with the upcoming sales strategy
- Unified with a creative theme
- And something better than last year
But here’s the rub. You don’t have the time to do it well. You’re focused on maximizing this year’s quotas, creating next year’s sales strategy and the associated comp plans and quotas to match.
Which means you might be tempted to wait until the last minute and dust of last year’s deck, which wasn’t that good to start with…

But what if your SKO could:
Truly excite your reps?
Give them skills that will increase their sales?
Move the needle for your business?
In this video, we walk you through the 3 key questions you must ask yourself to design a truly outstanding SKO for 2020.
If you’re going to have an SKO, make it matter.
Here’s how we can help.

SKO Launch Planning & Execution
- A 5 step approach designed to maximize the effectiveness of SKO so you have the highest possible impact on sales and the new year.
- Starts with capturing the SKO goals, mapping the expected results, and building a PLAN that delivers.
- Next is DEVELOPING and DELIVERING the right content and activities to carry out your SKO mission in a way that is tied to your sales strategy, and will educate and inspire your sales reps.
- Concludes with both ADOPTION and MEASUREMENT to ensure that new skills and behaviors are in place in the field with re-enforcement, inspection, and review after your SKO event.

Keynotes that Motivate & Teach
- 50 minutes of tangible and alignable inspiration with tools and content to take home.
- Aligned with your sales strategy for 2020.
- Themes that are relevant and memorable coming from our own “in the trenches” sales experience.
- The energy of a high school track star with lava in his veins. Your team will be pumped following this talk.
- Adoption-focused: Everything we do at SKO has multipath accountability to drive adoption and change.

Practical Skills Training
- 1 or 2 hours skills workshop – not your typical classroom style training. This is interactive and high energy.
- Focused on a key skill that would accelerate the majority of the reps and affect the 3 Pillars of Sales quickly.
- Teaches reps something USEFUL that they can use tomorrow and the rest of the year.
- Targets both the rational side of the mind and the emotional side.
Interested? Of course you are.
Don’t wait until December to plan your SKO, then dust off your tired deck from last year. Invest in your team at SKO so they can deliver the results you want.
Fill in your information below and we will send you a detailed checklist to PLAN, DEVELOP, DELIVER, ADOPT, and MEASURE your 2020 SKO.
Get our SKO Checklist