Your Cultural Language and the Sales Script

Your Cultural Language and the Sales Script ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Your cultural language. It is at the core of your personal culture. And it is critical to infusing your personal culture into your sales.

Cultural Language

Last week, we discussed the fact you cannot exclude your personal culture from your sales. This week, we want to emphasize how important it is to include your cultural language in the sales process. Because whether you like it or not, it will come through. There are problems when you don’t assess your cultural language. You might encounter some pitfalls that will impact your sales.

Lack of Authenticity

The sales script. Most companies have established a dialogue to use when communicating their value statement. To ensure that you deliver this statement authentically, you need to make sure your language reflects their values. A disconnect here translates to longer sales cycles, fewer closings, fewer renewals, and fewer referrals.

Lack of Alignment

Your cultural language speaks one way. The caveat is, it has to align with the company’s vernacular. If your values deviate from the company’s principles, the challenge will be finding common ground. The sooner you do, the more successful you’ll be in infusing your personal culture into your sales.

We Build Cultures By Design

It’s what we do. If you’re struggling with infusing your personal culture into your sales, please reach out. We will help you translate your cultural language in a way that echoes your company’s. And we will help you stay on the road to sustainable sales success.

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