Year-End Reflection – 2020 Edition

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Year-End Reflection - 2020 Edition

Sales leaders, break out the marshmallows. Pull together your last anecdotes and final touches on pandemic sales tales gone bad. It’s time to toss 2020 into the fire πŸ”₯ …but not without first gleaning the extraordinary lessons it taught. Let the year-end reflection begin.


Not too many people use this word to describe 2020. However, it quite literally describes it to a T. It was BEYOND usual. Well beyond the norms we were accustomed to. In fact, we coined the phrase, “the new normal”. Why? Because we all adapted. We changed our processes. We learned to survive in an uncertain time.

Fortunately, we are in the last week of the calendar year. In three days, we’ll turn over a new leaf and enter 2021. Very poetically and very metaphorically. So this week, take the time to reflect on 2020. Celebrate the wins. The best practices that you created to help you continue sustainable sales. We’ve all learned a lot and that should be recognized. And it equips us with a fresh set of skills to kick off 2021 with a renewed sense of purpose.

And most importantly, the losses and the failures. We all had them. We learn from the deals and the interactions that did not go our way. And then we toss them in the fire. Because we can’t dwell on the failures. We take the lessons they provide forward and leave the defeat behind in 2020. Because, as we enter 2021, hindsight truly will be 2020.

Happy New Year! If you’re struggling, reach OUT to us. We’ll do what we can to help make 2021 a little easier!

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