The Swamp Thing and Your Sales Success

Swamp Thing and Your Sales ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

We have talked about relationships, your productivity rhythm, and your sales. Sales is about relationships. You balance relationships to stay operating at your peak performance. And when these are in sync, your sales show it. However, when your sales aren’t closing, you may notice some sludge in your rhythm. And then you look for the source of that sludge, that thing that is drowning your process. It’s the attack of the swamp thing and your sales are the victim.

The Swamp Thing

This is THAT relationship. The one that interrupts you when you’re finding your paces. It brings in new ideas. And just as you have made sense of incorporating the last new idea… Yes, you guessed it. It has a NEW idea for you to try. And the only thing that is really getting accomplished is your schedule getting swamped.

The Swamp Thing and Your Sales

With each new idea they bring to your desk, your true north fades. You may not even be able to regain that rhythm and momentum you had. You become overwhelmed with new processes that steer you further from a path towards success.

Dealing with the Swamp Thing

Beware. The swamp thing has ideas for what you should do next. They may also start kicking around ideas on what to do with YOU when things start getting too swamped. Watch the video and see how Span the Chasm President Steve Keck deals with the sludge, the swamp thing, and getting back to sustainable sales success.

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