The Raven and Your Sales Success

The Raven And Your Sales ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

All that glitters isn’t gold. But the glitter is enough to draw attention. And as salespeople, we know all too well that attention comes at the most unexpected times. We love to share the sparkle of our success. However, until we’re ready, we need to hide our sales from the ever-hovering raven.

The Raven and Your Sales

Ravens are a nuisance. They peck and poke at things and leave a mess. Their scrupulous eyes are ever-searching. What do you have in the pipeline? What is the probability of your closing? They thrash through your cycle and leave you trying to put the pieces back together.

Managing the Raven’s Impact on Your Sales

So how do you deal with the raven? They’re attracted to the shine. So torpedo them with your success. Show off the work you are putting in to get to that close. Blind them with the shine of your knowledge in providing the best solution for the problem. And if they do catch you off guard, REFLECT back on to them and ask them for help. How would they tackle the process you are working on?

Watch the video to see how Span the Chasm President Steve Keck suggests dealing with the unpredictable raven. You’ll put that raven into a tailspin and be shining your way to sustainable sales success!


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