We have been looking into the thought and behavior behind successful sales leadership. This week, we look at the Psychology of Sales: Synchronicity.
What is Synchronicity?
Synchronicity happens when all the sales processes and all the sales cycles move together fluidly. It’s the pinnacle of progress. And it is the environment that successful sales leaders build to allow their team to flow together and create this selling rhythm. Span the Chasm President Steve Keck presents three elements to help you create the right conditions for synchronicity to happen.
Make sure you have a clear vision for your path to sales success. And make sure your team knows the vision. The more you emphasize the process and goals, the more your team will drive towards these expectations. Those that master the process and are able to control their sales cycles will mentor the rest of the team in turn.
You need to intend to help your team succeed towards your vision. If you have NO intention of achieving your vision, neither will your team. So be intentional in your leadership. You’ll identify where to move your talent to make sure everyone is in line with your goals.
Does your team have the tools to achieve your vision? This includes technology, training, and education. They need to have these tools to be able to work intentionally towards your vision. As a sales leader, you are expected to source these. As a sales professional, you are expected to speak up when they are lacking.
Put these elements into practice, and you will see results. You will see the fluidity of the team and the processes. And you will see sales cycles closing.
And as always, if you could use some help with vision, intention, or means, reach out to us. Span the Chasm has the means and the intention to help your team achieve your vision… and stay on the path to sustainable sales success!
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