Adopting a new sales process is very complicated. Last week, we kicked off our series talking about a too-focused top-down approach and replicating unicorn behavior. This week, we steer the discussion to the people impacted by a new sales process.
People Impacted by a New Sales Process
Changes to the sales process impact multiple groups of people. For the sales process, it comes down to three masters.
1. The people who are looking for actionable insights.
2. The people who need the process to create an environment where they can both feel and BE successful.
3. The people who need to be approached by the process.
All three of these need to be satisfied or the mechanics of adopting a new sales process fail. No good deed goes unpunished. Trying to serve all three masters is difficult. But it’s not impossible.
If you and your team are struggling in your servitude to your masters, reach out to Span the Chasm. We have ways to help get your sales team to align with your goals and on the road to sustainable sales success!
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