The Magical Ingredients of Sales: Humility

The Magical Ingredients of Sales Humility ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

We continue to put a little magic into our sales this week. And this week, we look at how to infuse humility into our sales.

Humility is Extraordinary

It’s not arrogant. It is centered confidence.

And this stability is woven through to your customer. They realize your self-awareness. Your client sees it in how you demonstrate patience.

Embodies Selfless Qualities

A humble rep expresses the characteristics we’ve talked about. You provide the space that decision-makers need to get to a conclusion. By doing this, you allow ideas to emerge. And you allow your customer to see how your solution takes their needs into great consideration.

And this may not always pan out in the largest deal for you. And you’re okay with that because you helped bring about the best outcome for your client.

So watch the video. And just like any other discipline, put attentive patience into practice. And if your team needs help with that, reach out to us. It’s what we do!


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