The Diminisher and Your Sales Success

The Diminisher and Your Sales Success ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

You hit your sales quota. But you didn’t hit your monthly call goal. You had a personal best sales quarter. But you didn’t work on the new vertical you were tasked with. The but. But this. But that. That BUT is your Diminisher. And the Diminisher and your sales success can’t peacefully coexist.

What is a Diminisher?

When you reach a positive milestone or sales goal, the diminished is the one that drains your feeling of success. Nothing accomplished is good enough in this person’s eyes. The Diminisher’s success feeds off the failures of others.

Recognizing the Diminisher in Your Relationships

This person deflects to a negative when you present them with your positive. In doing this, a vicious cycle is created. YOU are ALWAYS working. You are always trying to prove yourself. You are always progressing, but not by their definition of success.

Breaking the Cycle

Sometimes, the best way to win against the Diminisher is to not play their game. However, when you don’t have a choice, play the game by your rules. Flood them with positivity. Make sure YOUR voice is heard. Force them to face the facts.

Setting the right boundaries, you can diminish the Diminisher’s impact on your sales. And that will get you back on track towards sustainable sales success!


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