Relationships you should be thankful for are all around you. The ones that help you progress in the right ways. This week, Span the Chasm President Steve Keck talks about the Compassionate.
The Compassionate Creates Space
Whether in sales or in life, we hit roadblocks. Some are hurdles we easily overcome. Others are not so easily conquered. In fact, they may be a full-on crisis. Whether it is work-related or not, it makes an impact. And this is where The Compassionate flourishes. They create that bubble of time. Space for you to figure out the crisis, or at least the next course of action to take.
The Exception Becomes the Rule
The Compassionate is the manager that leads through exceptions. Rules are all around us. And for the most part, they guide us in the right direction. However, in a crisis, rules may become constraining. They may even make an obstacle insurmountable. Leaders who motivate with compassion see these exceptions. And they lead their people through them with patience. In the simplicity of giving their team room to move, they encourage them to take the actions they need to be able to move forward again.
Watch the video. Look for the Compassionate in your life. Often we relinquish responsibility and leave it to somebody else. Instead, BE somebody else. Lead with compassion, and find the people who give you the room to forge the path to sustainable sales success.
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