Technology and the Mechanics of a New Sales Process ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Technology and the Mechanics of a New Sales Process

The mechanics of the sales process are complex. We’ve talked about the people involved in the process and how they’re impacted. We’ve gone over adoption and how there is a process within the process. And now we have come to the discussion on technology and the mechanics of a new sales process.

Technology and the Mechanics of a New Sales Process

In sales, the technology that impacts your salespeople also impacts YOUR DATA. It shows how well forecasting is working, and how people are progressing. When making changes to a process, technology takes time. Just like the people and the adoption process. And typically, technology always takes longer than you plan.

How to Manage the Technology Changes

What outcomes do you need from your technology? Does the executive team have the data they need to see? What is important to sales leadership? And how do you make it pain-free for the sales front line?

Watch the video for Steve’s tips on how to prepare your team for the change. The key to this is to uncomplicate the process.

Get technology connected so you can move smoothly through the mechanics of a new sales process. It will ensure you won’t have any regrets about implementing the new sales process.

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