Successful Interdependency

Successful Interdependency ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training Message Discipline

Sales is not a marathon. Nor is it a sprint. It’s a soccer match. Or a basketball game. It’s not a solo sport. If you want to build a career in sales, you need to learn how to create successful interdependency.

Successful Interdependency

Many of us don’t want to rely on others to help us advance. Self-made success stories abound in the press. In reality, when you start your sales career, you have someone show you the ropes. Those who do well often have a mentor guiding their steps. All the while, you’re striving for independence.

However, when it comes to sustainable sales success, we know that sales is relational. And independence is not among the criteria for progress.

Check out the video. Steve identifies ways to build the interdependence you need to move your career, and consequently the careers of others, forward.

And if you’re the lone ranger who is looking for the tools to build the right team, reach out to us. We’ll help you surround yourself with the right people and processes to propel your sales team toward sustainable sales success.


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