Start And End Your Day with a PLAN

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Start And End Your Day with a PLAN

Last week, we started talking about operating rhythm. Specifically, we looked at what it took to develop and maintain a steady operating rhythm. To continue in the same vein, we shift our focus to your day. Every rhythm starts with a day.

How do you start your day? How do you end your day? Taking ten minutes to PLAN your day can make all the difference. How do you go about planning your day? Keep it simple and think of your tasks in terms of movement.

First, what can you move up? What tasks need to move up on your schedule, what people need to be contacted, what needs to move up and be prioritized?

Next, what can be moved out? Simply, move something out of your focus. Tasks that can be completed quickly and moved off your plate. Things you can delegate out to another person. Move whatever you can out of your way.

Finally, move forward. What do you need to take the next step professionally? Is it a class or seminar? Who can help mentor you into your next role? Start a plan. Make the appointments you need to. Map out your curriculum for success.

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