Slay Your Sales – Elf Mode

Slay Your Sales - Elf Mode ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

If Buddy the Elf were a sales coach, his name would be Steve Keck. And this week, our most productive sales elf shares his secrets on how to continue to sell successfully into 2023. You read that right – Slay Your Sales – Elf Mode.

Slay Your Sales – Elf Mode

Last week, we demonstrated how this time of year slows down. And when you slow down as a sales leader, your operating rhythm is impacted. Follow-up is poor. Your communication may start to struggle. And you enter goblin mode. The grumpy, less productive elf of the season. In this mode, you sway away from the path toward sustainable sales success.

So that brings us to elf mode. One thing that holiday lore always emphasizes is how productive Santa’s elves are. They’re sprightly. Bubbly happiness oozes from their demeanor. And they capture people’s attention with their clever storytelling. Come to think of it, the successful traits of elves can build successful sales leaders.

Watch the clip. Put yourself into elf mode these last few weeks and into the new year. And keep your sales on track for a successful finish in 2022 and slay your way into 2023!


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