Selling a High-Detail Prospect

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Selling a High-Detail Prospect

As a salesperson, you work diligently to perfect your process. You outline your discovery. You analyze needs and finesse where your service or solution fits into your client’s world. Delivery is key, and you make sure that your presentation hits every point for your high-detail prospect.

Addressing High-Detail Prospect Inquiries

Despite your attention to their needs, they ask for more information, possibly reframing something you may have already covered but with an added caveat. And after that is provided, they ask for even more. So you provide more, driving further down into the details because you want to ensure their questions are answered. You want to dissipate any doubts. And all the more you supply, they respond with question after question after question.

Discouraged by the Details

It’s easy to be discouraged by the deluge of questions from a high-detail decision-maker. Their questions make you want to question the fruits of your own efforts. But as Steve points out this week, the devil is in the details. And as you unearth all the information for them, you may be surprised that it really isn’t an exercise in futility. Not only will you be winning over a client, but you may also be establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry.


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