In the last few weeks, we have been matching product scripts to the individuals on your sales team. We have stressed the IMPORTANCE of making sure that the sales personality is not stripped from the interaction.
Last week, we discussed allowing the salespeople to be their own artists. But it’s still important to maintain company branding. So we created a framework with four key tenets to guide the sales discussions. Those were:
- what the product does
- how it was implemented
- what pricing considerations exist
- what technologies integrate with your own
Scripting with Personality
This week, it’s a tale of two salespeople. Our lesson from the first week is brought back into focus. The individuality of each rep is what makes up the canvas, or the sales pitch, for your prospect. Check out how Steve uses color theory to illustrate how each person is able to use their strengths to communicate successfully with their prospect.
Is your team struggling to match the script to their personalities? Reach out to usΒ – it’s why we’re here.
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Targeted at sales leaders, Span the Chasm blogs wisdom from the trenches! Visit to read about his insights into all things sales. Leaders are readers who drive sales success!
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