Sales Success Story Time with Crayons

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Sales Success Story Time with Crayons

It’s Elementary, Dear Sales Leader. Part Two.

Crayons. πŸ– You’ve had some experience with them. Most of you probably began your time in school using them. But did you know that the dynamic duo that created the crayon was also a dynamic sales team? Their triumph with wax translates into a sales success story with crayons.

Sales Success Story Time

Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith are the two fellas we’re talking about this week. One was an inquisitive inventor. The other was a prominent salesperson. The secret weapon in the inventor’s arsenal: active listening. He listened to the pains people presented, and he created solutions to their problems. Meanwhile, the sales superstar condensed these transactions into relatable scenarios. The sales storyteller highlighted the needs, how they were met, and how the solution could apply to the next client, and to the one after, and so forth.

Become the Next Sales Success Story

So check out the video. See how Steve relates:

1. Curiosity
2. Good listening skills
3. Sense of evangelization

to achieving sustainable sales success. Have your own success story? Need help getting one to write about? Reach out to Steve and the team at Span the Chasm. We can help. It’s what we do.


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