Relationships that Build Character for Sales Success

Relationships that Build Character for Sales Success ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

In the conclusion to our series on building character for success, we focus on relationships. The people you build your relationships around are those that contribute to your character. And that’s why we need to understand the relationships that build character for sales success.

Guilt by Association

The five people you spend the most time with are the best reflection of your character. What type of people are you spending your time with? How are they investing in themselves? Are they being intentional? Do they have plans to grow and are they developing a growth mindset?

Check out the video and see why Steve believes you need to treasure your relationships. And what do you do if one of your five is not contributing to your growth and development?

If you need some help prioritizing your relationships or with any of the other “Character for Sales Success” topics, reach out to us. We’d love the opportunity to help you and your team get the right pieces in place and help you build character for sales success!


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