Recession Proofing: Time to Diversify

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Recession Proofing: Time to Diversify

Diversify, diversify, diversify. You’ve probably heard this at least once or twice from your financial advisor. The market can be volatile, so they advise you to keep your investments in multiple baskets. Minimizing the risk and keeping cash flowing. This week, Randy and Ken echo that sentiment. The economy will start to see some changes, and your team will need to be able to anticipate some obstacles to their sales process.

So how do you minimize the risk of slow or no sales? What does diversification look like for my team? In sectors? Verticals? Clients? YES. Overwhelmed? Watch Ken and Randy break down the balance you need to consider as well as some other factors that will help you manage the impact on your sales process. Check out these week’s Monday Morning Pearl and continue YOUR progress in recession-proofing your sales!

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