Psychological Safety and Taking Moderate Risks

Psychological Safety and Taking Moderate Risks ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

You want to be a top performer. Or you may want to build a high-performing team. So how do you go about doing it? Google studied it. Psychological safety was a key aspect of it. This week, we look at psychological safety and taking moderate risks.

Psychological Safety and Taking Moderate Risks

Google credited the success of top performers to having some leeway when it came to trying something new. They were allowed to express opinions and ideas. But more importantly, they put it into action. Their environment provided them with the freedom to explore. And clearly, it paid off.

Taking this leap – as a salesperson or as a sales leader – is not easy! Steve talks us through creating an environment of psychological safety and offers some helpful advice on shared accountability. Spoiler alert – leave room for failure! It’s not permanent!


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