Psychological Safety and Sticking Your Neck Out for Others ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Psychological Safety and Sticking Your Neck Out for Others

High-performance teams thrive in safe environments. And those environments are built on psychological safety. We’ve talked about the main tenets of building the right space. Sticking your neck out for others is one more component found in these successful environments.

Sticking Your Neck Out for Others

We talked about being able to speak your mind. And while they are similar, sticking your neck out for others is next level. Not only do you feel confident taking your own risks and offering opinions, but you can also do so for others as well. And this critical, team-building cohesion really helps top performers to drive success.

Do you feel like you can stick your neck out for your team? And does your team feel they can align and provide team feedback back to you? If not, the time is right to get Span the Chasm involved. We love building high-performance environments and bringing cohesion to teams!


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