Psychological Safety and Speaking Your Mind ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Psychological Safety and Speaking Your Mind

Creating high-trust environments is difficult. But you can do it. And communication is king. Psychological safety and speaking your mind go hand in hand. And you should do it conscientiously.

Psychological Safety and Speaking Your Mind

We’ve been talking about the working environment. You as a sales leader or a member of a sales team need to have the right surroundings to flourish to become a top performer. Trust isn’t there if failure is not an option. We talked about that last week.  The same could be said for feedback.

If feedback is not welcomed, and more importantly, taken into consideration, the trust begins to weaken. And when you need to count on that communication, you or your team may not be comfortable speaking your mind.

When it comes to speaking your mind, giving it and receiving should be done conscientiously. Steve coaches us on how to do it effectively.


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