Physics of Sales - Coulomb's Law ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Physics of Sales – Coulomb’s Law

We’re continuing our discussion on applying the laws of physics to sales. In today’s lesson, Steve tells us about the physics of sales – Coulomb’s law.

What is Coulomb’s Law?

Coulomb provided the world with an equation that describes the electric force between charged objects. It’s similar to Newton’s law for gravity. The principle describes that a spark will decrease as the distance between two objects increases.

What Does Coulomb’s Law Have to Do with Sales?

In the sales equation, the sparks are your connections with your client. The quality of your connections is integral to your success. As is the cadence by which you connect.

Watch the video to see how Steve applies the law and provides an important lesson in the physics of sales. And if you’re having trouble applying this principle (or any of the others), reach out to us!


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