Personal Culture Infused into Your Conflict Resolution

Personal Culture Infused into Your Conflict Resolution ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Your personal culture impacts everything that you do. It is characteristic of how you approach your sales process. Articulated in the language you use, your personal culture is a collective expression of what you bring to the sale. Your personal values are reflected in the way you lead your team. It’s even revealed in the way you manage conflict resolution.

Conflict Happens

Whether in the office, among your team members or with a prospect or client, conflict happens. As a leader, there is a spectrum of ways to address. On one extreme, you are accommodating. You allow people to be heard. Reducing the impact of the conflict is of paramount importance. On the other extreme, you dive in. You’re forceful with opinion and how to resolve the issues that have arisen. You push through the conflict with the confidence that you’ll come out with a solution. There isn’t a right and wrong way to do things. In conflict resolution, it’s how you do it that will leave the impression.

Personal Culture and Conflict Resolution

So Span the Chasm President Steve Keck simplifies personal culture and conflict resolution. “Do you want to be right, or do you want to be in a relationship?” If you are forceful with the principle that you’re right, you may end up costing yourself a sale. Or losing a valuable member of your sales team. If you pursue the relationship, you have a higher chance of winning the sale.

Tempering Your Response to Conflict

You can be right and in a relationship. Didn’t see that coming? Watch the video and see how Steve coaches you through tempering your responses to conflict. Learn how to EARN the right to be heard. Achieving this will help ensure you win your future and stay on the path of sustainable sales success!

If you find you’re losing your way. Or you’re not sure how you can temper your need to be right. Or you just want to further understand how to manage your sales process in a dynamic and responsive way, REACH out. It’s what we do.

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