Performance Punishment

Performance Punishment ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Sales leaders, we get presented with some unique situations. One that we appreciate is finding that top performer on our sales team. So what do we do when we find that sales unicorn? We reward them with more responsibilities on top of their normal work! Wait, what? In sales, we call this Performance Punishment.

Performance Punishment

You need to view this from two perspectives. As a sales leader, you are adding responsibilities because you trust this top performer. They’ve proved that they can excel at the work that they’re doing. And now you’re entrusting them with more opportunities to grow.

From the excelling employee’s perspective, they’re doing great work. And since they do great work, they got even MORE work to do. So while the other salespeople do their share, they’re stuck doing additional tasks. Because you know, they’re so good at doing the work.

Performance punishment comes down to a breakdown of…

Check out the video to see what!


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