No Stale Feedback ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

No Stale Feedback

School is back in session… or soon will be. Students everywhere will be evaluated for what they’ve learned well… and what they need to work on. When was the last time you assessed your sales process? Or your sales team? Our next series starts today and helps you focus on no stale feedback!

No Stale Feedback

As sales leaders, feedback is an essential part of our role. However, there is a distinction between giving good feedback and giving feedback that works. The measure of good feedback is engagement.

Steve breaks down the positive, the negative, and the constructive. He’ll help you understand what feedback balance is.

And you’ll be able to answer two crucial things you’ll need to know in the upcoming weeks:

1. What is your feedback balance?
2. What is the feedback on YOUR feedback?

And if you find you’re having trouble answering these questions, reach out to us. You’ll get some feedback on how to get your questions answered.


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