New Environment New Scripts ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

New Environment, New Scripts

We established how important is to set a positive tone of expectancy with a client. But as our world changes, we and our prospects are thrown into a new sales environment. Our buyers’ expectations have changed. The key to succeeding in this new environment: new scripts.

New Environment

So the buyer’s expectations have changed. Yes, this can be frustrating. But it’s not insurmountable. Get equipped to see how to best understand what has led to this shift. How? Steve coaches you through a couple of tips to help you understand why and how to rework your script to adapt to these new concerns.

New Scripts

Salespeople pride themselves on tried and true scripts that apply to prospects’ needs. However, every now and then, even the best-used scripts need an edit. We adapt them to demonstrate we understand a client’s concern with a shift in priorities. And we switch it up to show them as their process ebbs and flows, we have the capacity to flex to their changing needs.

There are no absolutes in sales. And much like life, the only constant is change. Your adaptability to a new environment – new scripts – is how you communicate to your client that you can adapt to the changes they need.


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