The Mutual Mind and the Brain Science of Sales

Mutual Mind and the Brain Science of Sales ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training Message Discipline

We’re embarking on a journey that is leading us to the crossroads of social science and brain science. You’re wondering, What does this have to do with my sales career? It may seem a far stretch now, but Steve is talking us through the mutual mind and the brain science of sales.

What is the Mutual Mind?

In addition to clever alliteration, the mutual mind encompasses deep connections. We connect with others and feel like they “get us”. These connections happen when we interact face-to-face and share things like gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice. You think with someone in sync. This is quite different than thinking about a topic together.

So how does this relate to sales? Watch the video and start with Steve’s homework. Over the course of the next few weeks, you’ll learn how connecting with others can also uncover new things about yourself too! And how it will get you on the path to sustainable sales success!


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