Managing Your SDR Team: Quality or Quantity

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Managing Your SDR Team Quality or Quantity

We kicked off our SDR Handoff series last week with a primer on managing your SDR team.

This week, quality versus quantity is the theme. When you think of your development team, is the process focused on quality or quantity?

1. Goals. Are they striving to qualify a quality lead or are they trying to hit the minimum daily quantity?
2. Compensation. Is your SDR team’s payment structure incenting them for number of appointments made or the quality of the potential leads?
3. Training. How are you preparing your SDR team? When you provide comprehensive training on your ideal client profile (ICP) and the right questions to ask, you’re ensuring the team has the tools they need.

Addressing all three areas with respect to quality will help you develop SDRs that book appointments geared towards sustainable sales success.

Does your team require additional training? Contact us at Span the Chasm – our goal is helping you develop teams that succeed!

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