Listening with Intention ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Listening with Intention

You want to do what is best for your clients. But before you can sell them on your solution, you need to make sure you’re listening with intention. Because if you can’t frame your solution in the language they need to hear, you may be missing the mark with your sales pitch.

Listening with Intention

There are a lot of dynamics when it comes to making a sale. This is where active and intentional listing is critical. You are allowing yourself the leeway to survey the circumstances of your prospect. Are you hearing from everyone involved? Are you listening to the cues you’re being given to close your sale? Hearing and listening are two very different things. And in the examples Steve gives, it’s easy to see where a misstep in a sales situation can cost you your sale.

Listen to our advice this week, and you’ll be actively putting yourself on the path to sustainable sales success this year!

Avoid sticking your foot in your mouth with a potential client. Reach out to Span the Chasm for coaching on active listening. It’s our intention to help you and your team with exercises to sharpen this essential skill.


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