Jumpstarting Your New Sales Team – Part 2

Jumpstarting Your New Sales Team by Micromanaging ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

The conversation continues! In part one of our trilogy, we discussed descriptive vision. Now that you have buy-in into the descriptive vision that you collectively created, it’s time to make it work. And the next step requires jumpstarting your sales team by micromanaging.

Micromanaging Their Belief System

Vision is the proving ground of belief. You know what outcomes you are looking for based on the descriptive vision. The time now has come for your team to prove that their beliefs are true.

Micromanaging for Alignment

So why micromanage? It’s an ugly word. Look at it this way. You are PROVING their way to freedom. And that’s what you need to communicate. You’re reviewing their process as accurate until it’s proven otherwise.

The Benefits of Micromanagement

You may find that one of your team’s beliefs actually works BETTER than what you have in place. At the very least, you’ll learn best practices from each member. Rolled together, you’ll discover the best process that will align with the vision that you ALL agreed on. Then, everyone wins.

So yes, you’re going to be in the trenches watching their every step. The beauty of it all is that everyone can learn from this experience. And it will help ensure that you’re jumpstarting your new sales team on a path towards sustainable sales success.

And if you’re struggling with this, reach out to us. We’ll walk you through the steps towards your collective vision.

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