Job Transition is Creating Message Discipline

Job Transition is Creating ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training Message Discipline

Job transition is hard. And for many people, it’s the norm. Whether moving up a corporate ladder or progressing from one opportunity to another, it takes skill. You need to make sure you have a solid sales process for your job transition. Being in front of a community of proximity that understands your value is critical. Your value needs to be communicated consistently. And that part of job transition is creating message discipline.

Job Transition is Creating Message Discipline

What is message discipline? What are the three things you want YOUR future boss to know about you? Can you explain what you do? And can your champion do so as well? Is it something others can understand and translate to future roles?

If you’re struggling, watch the video. Steve walks through an example of creating message discipline. And he gives you the basics on how to do it for yourself.

And If you are still struggling, reach out to us. We can help you produce and refine the script that will lead you through your next job transition successfully!


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