It’s time to have a tough conversation. You see it in the news. So many people are in a state of job transition. You want to limit your time in this state. So this week, we’re coming to terms with the concept that job transition is a sales process.
Job Transition is a Sales Process
To limit the amount of time you’re in job transition, you need to have a plan. A sales process, if you will. The same mechanics you use in your day-to-day business are the tools you’ll use to minimize your time in flux and on to your next role.
Watch the video. And follow along in the next few weeks as we adapt our skills as sales leaders to the essential qualifications of the next step in our careers. Span the Chasm will help make sure you’re on your best path toward sustainable sales success!
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Targeted at sales leaders, Span the Chasm blogs wisdom from the trenches! Visit to read about his insights into all things sales. Leaders are readers who drive sales success!
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