Interested or Interesting? How to Contact High-Value Prospects ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

Interested or Interesting? How to Contact High-value Prospects

It’s a trend salespeople hate hearing about. Prospect calls going unanswered. When prospecting high-value contacts, is it more important to be interested or interesting?

Interest or Interesting?

Try to focus on being interested. What does that really mean? When we are interesting, we are trying to demonstrate to a prospect why they should be interested in us, our solution, and our company. Steve suggests flipping the script. Turn the table and find what is interesting to your prospect.

Being Interested

Steve points out easy ways to target your high-value prospects. And it begins well before you even pick up the phone. Watch the video for tips on how to get interested.

Showing interest in the right ways helps you build the knowledge you need to make sure your prospecting calls succeed!

And as always, if you need help with your prospecting, reach out to us!


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