Infusing Personal Culture into Your Sales

Infusing Personal Culture into Your Sales ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

What is YOUR personal culture? Steve defines this as the collective expression of the personal values of an individual. Your beliefs. What you stand for. And what you don’t stand for.

How This Impacts Your Sales Process

Each person brings this individuality to their organization. Your behavioral values, formed by your personal culture, determine how you go about your role. How do you handle conflict? How do you lead? What do you like? How do you express your needs? All these personal values create how you interact with clients and your sales team.

A Personal Culture Example

Let’s take this value as an example. You have a tendency to avoid conflict. Your boss or sales leader is an “engage with conflict” type of person. This could create a stressful environment for you. And it will impact how you execute your process with this type of leader.

How to Balance Personal Culture with Sales Team and Company Cultures

Your choices and demands are important to you, and ideally, you find an environment that works well with your values. Personal culture should NOT be compromised.

To make sure this does not happen, we challenge you to build some data around and analyze the following:

1. How does your personal culture align with your organization
2. How it aligns with the expectations of your prospects and clients
3. How does it bring the best of you into the organization

Getting these in line will help steer you and your organization towards sustainable sales success!


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