Infusing Personal Culture into Your Leadership Style

Infusing Personal Culture into Your Leadership Style ~ Span the Chasm Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training

We have examined personal culture closely over the last few weeks. Personal values seep into your sales. And this week, we explore how personal culture permeates into your leadership style.

A Spectrum of Values

Leadership style is a spectrum. But we can agree there are two extremes – democratic and commanding. We have seen many global leaders fall all along the spectrum. And most of us will fit somewhere in between.

Democratic Leadership Style

A democratic style is very egalitarian. It insists upon consensus, and everyone’s voice matters. In the right environment, with an equally willing team, this style can be very successful. But as with many things, it has its downside too.

The Commanding Leadership Style

On the other end of the spectrum, are the commanders. They know their values and how they want to lead. They show their team by commanding their methods for success. And they expect their people to follow their example. As with the democratic style, this personal culture can flourish with the right company culture and team dynamic. However, it too can nosedive into disappointment.

So where do you fall into this spectrum of leadership styles? Is it working well? Or are you struggling? If that’s the case, reach out. We love exploring personal culture and helping sales leaders stay on track towards sustainable sales success.

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