How to Build a Bench of Talent

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - How to Build a Bench of Talent

Sales leaders, it’s time to talk about how to build a bench of talent. In this case, we’re forming your SDR team. Sure, you may inherit some players when you come into your leadership role. But most certainly, at some point, you’re going to have the opportunity to draft your own players. And when that time comes, it’s critical you assemble a squad with the right skills to get the job done.

It’s important to think about the SDR roles from a long term perspective. Sure, you want to hire for coachability. But we think you may want to focus on three aspects that will take that as well as other quality SDR traits into account.

First, you need to hire with promotion in mind. And next, remember you are going to need to earn your freedom. Finally, cheer your SDR into their next role. Not sure what we mean? Watch Steve break down how to build your bench of talent.

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