The year we never saw coming is finally coming to an end. Typically, between Thanksgiving and the end of the year, you’ll see that it’s hit or miss getting a hold of some of your contacts. More than likely, your chances for success are 50/50. So, based on those unofficial statistics, what can you do to make the most of your time holiday prospecting through the close of the year?
First things first, you have to REACH out. If you are not picking up the phone or sending that email, your success rate is 0%. Given that, decide on your strategy. Go over your contact lists. Decide on how you are going to connect with the client. Compose your message. Then DO IT.
Next, you may struggle with WHAT to reach out with. You don’t want to use the tired “crazy 2020” segue. Nor do you want to use the even more tired weather icebreaker. Here’s a thought. Engage your client with education. Whether it’s a short bullet list, an engaging video demo, or even a quick Prezi. Make it interesting. Teach them something new about what you can help them do.
Finally, ask for a meeting. Keep it casual and relaxed. Help THEM finish their year strong or jump-start their January efforts!
As always – if you’re struggling and need some assistance, reach OUT to us. Use this time to get some coaching for you and your team. Catch up on our Monday Morning Pearls and Uncommon Sales Success podcasts. Whatever you do, do it with purpose and keep working towards sustainable sales success!
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Targeted at sales leaders, Span the Chasm blogs wisdom from the trenches! Visit to read about his insights into all things sales. Leaders are readers who drive sales success!
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