Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Focus on the Vital Ignore the Trivial

Monday Morning Pearls: Focus on the Vital, Ignore the Trivial


I did it AGAIN.

Yep, a mistake that I’ve made a thousand times…This time, I spent an hour reviewing a marketing piece and, as a result, missed an hour of prospecting time. Prospecting is a critical activity for me. Reviewing marketing content?  Well, I can do that anytime….

But I fell into the trap:  Poor prioritization.

I focused on something TRIVIAL instead of something VITAL.

Have you made mistakes like that? You know… Doing something that ‘seems’ like a good idea but prevents you from doing what you really should?

If so, watch the above Monday Morning Pearl video for 3 tips to help you stop NOW!

Want help developing the tools needed to avoid wasting time on low impact tasks?

Want to create more time for Vital tasks?

Then let us create a personalized plan for you, contact us to setup a call.