Developing Empathetic Leadership

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Developing Empathetic Leadership

Last week, we quoted David M. Kelley saying, “…building empathy for the people that you’re entrusted to help.” We kicked off this discussion with reference to the customer.

This week, Steve frames the discussion about engraining this characteristic within yourself and in the dynamic of your team. As we focus on developing empathetic leadership, Steve points out three critical things to work on to succeed.

Our journey begins with good old fashioned listening. Listen first and let people know that THEIR voice matters. Next, Steve suggests defining success using more variables. Sometimes it’s not just about the numbers. And finally, support AND protect your people. Watch the video to put it all together. And if you need some help putting it all together, reach out to us! We’ll help you flourish with empathetic leadership!


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