Customer-Centric Sales Process – ​An Educational Walkthrough

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Customer-Centric Sales Process - ​An Educational Walkthrough

This week, we’re focusing on an educational walkthrough. How does that fit into our customer-centric sales process? Good question. Let’s start with some quotable wisdom.

“The translator is my most important ally. He introduces me to the world.”

Italo Calvino

As we continue the discussion on the Customer-Centric Sales Process, this quotation rings true. We have talked about putting the customer first. Curating a sales scenario that evolves around THEIR needs. We strive to make sure we are including ALL the important players; the influencers, the silent agency, the decision-makers. Our demo is designed to engage all these people.


Let’s go back to our players. We talked about the silent agency, and we know the decision-makers. What we need to do is re-engage our cheerleaders, our champions. These influencers are key in making sure that our educational walkthrough is resonating (translating appropriately and with effect) with the people weighing in on making the buying decision. Watch as Steve highlights why and how we make sure our champions – our translators – are lining us up for sales success!

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