Culture’s Affect on Sales Cycles: Hot Climate

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Cultures Affect on Sales Cycles Hot Climate

We have seen over the last couple of weeks how climate affects the sales cycle. Last week, we focused on cold climate and what accommodates that style when selling. This week, we look at hot climates.

Hot Climate

A hot culture is typically centered around or near the equator, naturally. Communication and conflict are addressed very differently than in a cold culture. Communication happens when they are lacking something. However, because they are typically characterized by an abundance of resources, their communication is spare. Typically short at best. And they prefer to avoid any type of conflict.

Communicating with Hot Cultures

So what does that mean for selling? It means if they say yes, they mean yes. If they say maybe, or no, they really mean no. They’ll give you a maybe, to avoid having to say no. Conflict. Their communication disappears and you’re left, ghosted. The reality is no sale. So how do you approach a sale with a hot climate client? Tune in to Steve to see how to stay on the hot topics and see sustainable sales success even in the hottest climates.


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