Culture’s Affect on Sales Cycles: Hot and Cold Together

Monday Morning Pearls - Video Sales Training - Culture's Affect on Sales Cycles: Hot and Cold Together

Unless you’re selling strictly in a Siberian climate or predominantly based on the equator, you will be handling hot and cold together. Your communications skills will be key. And to effectively do that, you’ll have to understand how to cross climates.

How Do You Recognize the Cultural Dynamic?

First, you want to do a needs analysis. Not a business needs analysis. A communication needs analysis. How DO they want YOU to work with THEM? This will help you determine the culture you’re dealing with. Find a good understanding of how to honor THEIR culture.

Hot, Cold, and YOU

Second, what culture are YOU bringing to the table? The way you choose to interact with your clients determines whether YOU are a hot or cold culture. So what happens if YOUR culture clashes with your client’s culture?

Check out the video for Steve’s answer. And if you need more than this video to help you map, analyze, and engage with your clients and their cultures, reach out to us. It’s what we do.


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