Barter cultures add nuance to the dynamics of hot and cold cultures. In a barter culture, people expect to be able to negotiate terms on an exchange of goods or services. Non-barter cultures have their set rates and leave zero room for negotiation. How do you win sales in a barter culture?
Everything Is Negotiable
This dynamic has points of frustration from both sides of the table. The buyer from a barter culture comes in with the expectation that the first price is not final. A salesperson coming from a non-barter culture hits a roadblock immediately. Their sales price is non-negotiable. Furthermore, they may take offense to the negotiations, assuming that the buyer is not realizing the value of the product or service. At first glance, the sale seems stalled at an impasse.
Winning Sales in Barter Cultures
In this week’s Pearl, Steve tries to help salespeople over barter culture hurdles. He points out two essentials needed when working with barter cultures. Keeping these in mind, salespeople can expect shorter sales cycles. And winning in barter cultures typically results in better customer retention, helping you continue to achieve sustainable sales success!
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